
No New Posts Room 945 (Yoskaf & Isaac)

Yokasf's room is connected to one of his dimensions. It's linked with the bathroom door entrance, since Yokasf doesn't need one. Inside the dimension are two floors that stretch out to the size of a football field with completely white walls with reflecting lights. On the bottom floor as a kitchen with fully functional water and power with a stove, oven, microwave, and coffee machine, located at the left upper corner of the room. Further down are shelves of video games that range from old classics to newer copies of games. A 150'' sized TV is set up at a wall with huge speakers for massive effect. Couches line up to a table with consoles and multiple controllers. Even further down is a mat that reaches to the other side of the room, surrounded by metal fences that acts like a training room. Several stain marks shows the results of Yokasf's tentacles. On the right side, a library of common human literature fills up more shelves labeled as "Human Research." On the last corner is a small pool that can be either filled with water, sand, molten lava, bio-toxic waste, blood, milk, and beer, even with a diving board. The second floor is exclusive to Yokasf, filled in the center is a small poll that Yokasf sits in that is only for him and him only.

Outside the dimension, is a basic Junior dorm, with only a few minor adjustments, like the bed moved towards the window, and a soft chair lined up to two lamps.

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